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Women’s right to be proactive

Women’s right to be proactive

By Helen Denise, CEO of KNOWHEN

For almost 20 years, I have been involved in businesses related to pregnancy. I  have heard thousands of stories from couples who have struggled to conceive, sometimes for years. While I have never forgotten the happiness of women who have finally conceived and have enjoyed a healthy pregnancy, I have been equally heartbroken to learn of marriages which, in many cases, have ended as a result of  difficulties they’ve encountered while trying to conceive. 

Maybe that’s why I cannot handle the debate about abortion rights, which have become of daily topic in the media. I remember how, when I was in college, I was afraid to become pregnant, and later in life, I experienced an unplanned pregnancy;  my pain and suffering at the time have never been forgotten. 

Yes, it was time when girls like me, who did not want to use any kind of  contraception for many reasons, followed the so-called “rhythm” method. We  thought this natural way of protection was very accurate. We couldn’t have been  more wrong as, after having been involved in the fertility field for many years, I  know now that that contraception method fails more than 27 percent of the time.  ATTRIBUTION? 

Now women have the opportunity to easily learn their personal ovulation cycles and, with a little bit of discipline, can save their lives and bring their offspring to term according to God’s plan. 

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention began abortion  surveillance in 1969 to document the number and characteristics of women obtaining legal abortions, as do many states and other agencies.  

The CDC compiles the information to produce national estimates. This information is only available for legal abortions. In 2015, 638,169 legal abortions were reported  to the CDC by 49 of these organizations.  

The abortion rate in 2015 was 11.8 abortions per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44, and a majority of these involved women in their twenties. 

Can you believe that about 45 percent of pregnancies were unintended? Four in 10 pregnancies were terminated through abortion.

The Guttmacher Institute is a primary source for research and policy analysis of abortion in the United States. In many cases, Guttmacher’s data is more  comprehensive than that of state and federal government sources. 

The institute examines the incidence of abortion, access to care and barriers to  obtaining services, factors underlying women’s decisions to terminate a pregnancy,  characteristics of women who have abortions and the conditions under which  women obtain them.  

Per institute information, in 2015 there were 926,000 abortions. The number shocked me. One in four women in the United States will have an abortion by age 45 and 59 percent of women who have obtained abortions are mothers.  

This should be no surprise, however, because almost 30 percent of women ages 15 to 44 do not use any kind of contraception. 

I really feel personal pain when I see these numbers. An estimated 41 million abortions were conducted in 2018; the state with the greatest number was  California. 

And is it OK to see such advertising on Google as “Saturday Morning Abortion |  Teenagers Welcome”? 

Yes, we can tell women they have a right to have an abortion and to talk about it, but what about education on this topic? 

I have my own personal stories and my daughter has shared her stories and experiences with me, as well. Now I know for sure that if I knew then what I know now, my life would have been much easier, healthier and happier. This is one of  the reasons I THINK I have the right to stand up with a product developed by my company that I know offers women peace of mind in their relationships. 

Especially for our teens. Why not improve sexual education in our schools and  along with emphasizing the use of condoms, provide a long-lasting reusable device so they can understand their personal ovulation cycles and proactively prevent  pregnancy? 

I remember 10 years ago nobody talked as openly about fertility problems and I was looking for a private school or special programs on sexual education to introduce my first ovulation-tracking device, without much success. I am doing  what I can to help change this. 

I developed the KNOWHEN® saliva test years ago for one reason: to give women peace of mind when they have intercourse, because knowledge is priceless, and nature gave us all the answer: yes or no. It’s in each woman’s own saliva. Yes, in some cases it’s not a fail-safe way to avoid abortion, but in millions of cases it is.  All women need to do is get into the habit of checking their saliva daily to prevent pregnancy, and in turn, reduce, if not eliminate, the need for an abortion. 

KNOWHEN® is available on the shelves of many pharmacies and online. We  should talk about it and educate women of all ages about it. 

Using KNOWNEN® and monitoring results with its personal app will help women  to observe the biological effect of their estrogen hormone level correlated with  their ovulation cycle (known as the “FERN” effect). Saliva testing is more accurate than urine testing to determine ovulation because it’s not based on chemical levels and reads your biological rhythm.

According to clinical studies published in the  U.S. in 2015, “The detection of a salivary ferning pattern using the KNOWHEN ovulation monitoring system as an indicator of ovulation” was found to be on a par, in terms of accuracy, as the documentation of ovulation with a transvaginal  ultrasound examination and a blood test.  

Let’s more talk about health and education, daily testing of saliva and  understanding a woman’s unique reproduction system and less about abortion rights and whether women are victims or killers. 

KNOWHEN® means KNOW WHEN the time is right and take control of your  destiny.

Who would have thought life could be frozen?

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